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relaxed control中文是什么意思

用"relaxed control"造句"relaxed control"怎么读"relaxed control" in a sentence


  • 松弛调控
  • 松弛型调控


  • To invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over
  • We will further relax controls over market entry , introduce a competitive mechanism and diversify the investors in and ownership of monopoly industries
  • The government continued to relax controls over migration from rural to urban areas , and many cities took steps to expand the rights of migrants and their dependents to basic social services
  • More qfiis are expected to enter the country with the authorities recently lowering the entry threshold and relaxing controls over management of investment quotas and trading accounts
  • Meanwhile , many other reforms , such as gradually relaxing control over the prices of agricultural products and devoting major efforts to developing township enterprises , opened new ways for solving the problem of poverty in the rural areas
  • Part three article part of sublimating of theme , should relax control and implement fundamental key of market - oriented management at the foundation through preceding paragraphs to of our country expressway , chapter this put forward expressway market - based legal structure get involved idea , legal structure expressway market - based logic structure and system goal of activity
  • In the initial stage , its general characteristic is " outside - institution market - orientating " ; rural reform takes the lead : the consumer goods market of villages & towns developed at a rapid speed owing to the state ' s gradually relaxing control over country fair trade & individually - owned business
    初始阶段的中国市场化总特征是“体制外市场化” 。这一阶段农村改革率先启动,国家逐步放开和发展了集市贸易,放开了个体经营,农村及乡镇的消费品市场得到了较快的发展,农村经济市场化得到初步发展。
  • Relax control to strengthen by loosenning business scope the profit ability of the stock certificate company towards doing not have confidence to pass to start to take charge of real results , to market but talking gains or losses color combining indetermination of business should , economize to take charge of cost in the meantime
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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